full stack technology solutions
full stack technology solutions
Three computers, a network, radio communication protocol, processing, arduino, electronics, soldering
Emulating HTML5 native Drag & Drop API in pure javascript for browsers without that feature
Drag & dropBuilt first iteration of Android app for now defunct startup "Coffee and Power".
Won a prize for HTML based mobile app at Tizen hackathon.
Currently working on an OUYA video player app that uses both javascript, and HTML5
Worked on a few Qt based desktop apps. Here is one that managed to be released as open source.
A desktop appJavaScript, Ruby, HTML5, CSS, Java, C++, C, Perl, Bash
Python, Go, Make, Assembly (ARM, x86), PHP
PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
Angular, Rails, Android, Play, Qt, Node
Rails to Angular REST interface
Monitored network of millions of nodes
YouTube, and Vimeo player API’s
I haven't been responsible for racks of servers or bunches of cloud instances in a while so most of my work with puppet is with things like setting up development environments consistently.
I fixed a significant bug in a popular puppet module while working on that dev environment too.